Tutor Seckin KAVAS
Private Turkish Classes, Education Consultancy, Online Education, Life Coaching.

As Outstanding Education we prioritize the success of our students. We always intend to stay in close contact with our students. We enjoy sharing our deep knowledge with our students. We believe the key to a bright future will be achieved with the power of education.
About Us
Outstanding Education was founded in London. Founder and master tutor of Outstanding Education is Seckin KAVAS. KAVAS has 8 years of tutoring experience. Kavas intends to stay in close contact with her students and develop strong communication skills. Outstanding Education mainly focuses on Turkish Private Classes. As a professional Education Estabishment, Outstanding Education also cares about the motivation and future plans of their students. Therefore offers Education Consultancy and Life Coaching. You can check our services for more information.


Private Turkish Classes: Best way to improve your Turkish. Private Turkish Classes offers tutoring for all levels. Improve your written and spoken Turkish with our Private Turkish Classes.

Education Consultancy:
Get the professional support you need in your education life. Design your future with us. We are here for you!

Online Classes:
Online Turkish classes from wherever you are. All the benefits of Private Turkish Classes in you mobile device.